home me bazinga hi

i blinky princessgirl

himejoshi fighting in fujoshi war
hi my name is fonzie or princessgirl or fonzerful
also fun fact when u use html one of the umm things for bolded text is
"strong" like u put "strong" around the text to make it bold
anywho hi i use no pronouns im a lesbian and im really weird and
wicked but i cant control it and if u discriminate against me ur
a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3
im also autistic for some reason but its chill im cooling not worried about nothing
if u see me on tumblr im fonzerful "fonzie%" and u can ignore my likes i just like eobarry sorry. im a fake yuri lover i guess i have these eobarry fujo tendencies.....

click her eto see a bucnh of col characters that are literly me in REAL life